Monday, 16 December 2013

2 useful tools for ripping PS1 textures

For those who have asked how I rip PSX textures


This is the automated approach as you simply scan any psx save state or cd image. You can then save them to your hard disk and edit them.


Not as easy as the other method, but if you have used similar tools, you will soon get the grasp of it.

I will make a detailed tutorial on these soon.

Code Update: 16/12/13

Some new code past the break.

Euro Demo 53 – Gran Turismo 2 (Referral Post)

"Use Track Select Screen
D0098650 0015
C20E1229 0002
80098650 0000
"Use Track Select Screen (CEP)
D0098650 0015
C2098650 0002
800E1229 0000

These are completely defective without the use of Xenn's GT2 Demo codes.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Code Update: 11/12/13

Nothing much added here. just some more old codes.

Gran Turismo [NTSC-U] [SCUS-94194]
"Arcade Mode Car Colour Modifier
80079320 00??
Driver 2 - Back on the Streets (E) (v1.0) [SLES-02993] & [SLES-12993]
"Very Bouncy Cops
800AA6BC 000F
801C6994 000F
Euro Demo 44 – Driver
"Explosive Vehicle
80084A84 0001
"Brighter Buildings and Textured Boats
80084A5C 0001
"Disable Traffic
800849CC 0001
"Night to Dawn Transition
800851DC 0001
"Day to Night Transition
80085214 0001
Tekken 3 (NTSC-U) (SLUS-00402)
"P1 All Moves Unblockable
800A928C 0607

Euro Demo 44 – Driver (Referral Post)

"Explosive Vehicle
80084A84 0001
"Brighter Buildings and Textured Boats
80084A5C 0001
"Disable Traffic
800849CC 0001
"Night to Dawn Transition
800851DC 0001
"Day to Night Transition
80085214 0001

"Traffic Colour Modifier
5000184C 0000
3009C5BD 000?
Use Values 1-5
"Traffic Car Modifier
5000184C 0000
3009C5BC 0001
0 = Player Car
1 = Cop Car
2 = Traffic Car 1
3 = Traffic Car 2
“Hide Damage Bar
30084A94 0000

Driver 2 - Back on the Streets (E) (v1.0) [SLES-02993] & [SLES-12993] (Referral Post)

"Very Bouncy Cops
800AA6BC 000F
801C6994 000F

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Code Update: 07/12/13

I had a request from a YouTube user to devise a code to remove visual damage from the traffic cars, so any help would be great as I was unsuccessful in doing so.
Scroll past the break for some new and some old code I dug from my hard drive.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Euro Demo 43 - Driver - Beta Pause Menu

Just because we are still far from making this demo playable doesn't mean that we can't look for any Beta material in it. :)

Scroll past the break for same screenshots of the beta pause menu.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Sunday, 19 May 2013

FEATURED VIDEO: Tekken 6 (PSP) PrTT Code v1.02

From the guy who inspired me to start messing with Tekken 3, here is Sadamitu's update on the TTT simulation code.

See video after the break.

Code Update: 20/05/13

A few old codes I found while digging through my hard drive. Expect some PSP codes soon. :)

Scroll past Break.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Code Update: 17/05/13

It's quite a short list, so I will leave the page break out. :)

Driver 2 [U] (1.1) [SLUS-01161 & SLUS-01318]

"Disco Car (Selected car in Take a Ride)
D00D9881 0000
100D14F0 0001
E00D14F0 0006
300D14F0 0000

Tekken 3 (U) (SLUS-00402)

"JIN d/f+1,3
D00A927C 0244
300AAB3F 0009
E00A9135 00BF
300AAB3E 0009
D00AAB3E 0909
300A9135 00EF
D00AAB3E 0909
8010492E 8010
D00AAB3E 0909
8010492C 1194
D00A927C 1194
8010492E 8010
D00A927C 1194
8010492C 100C

"JIN 2,1
D00A927C FB44
300AAB3F 0007
D00A9135 007F
300AAB3E 0007
D00AAB3E 0707
300A9135 00EF
D00AAB3E 0707
8010490A 8010
D00AAB3E 0707
80104908 0244
D00A927C 0244
8010490A 8010
D00A927C 0244
80104908 0DA4

"JIN WS,1,2 (Twin Lancer)
D00A927C 0394
8010492A 8010
D00A927C 0394
80104928 100C
D00A927C 100C
8010492A 8010
D00A927C 100C
80104928 0FD4

"HEI cd,4,4,3
D00A927C 0EBC
300AAB3F 0009
E00A9135 00BF
300AAB3E 0009
D00AAB3E 0909
300A9135 007F
D00AAB3E 0909
80103B26 8010
D00AAB3E 0909
80103B24 0D6C
D00A927C 0D6C
80103B26 8010
D00A927C 0D6C
80103B24 0C1C

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Code Update: 22/04/13

My time offline has given me time to hack a bunch of new codes. Even for game that I've never touched with a hacking tool. :)

Scroll past the break to see them.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Driver Traffic Code Update: 24/03/13

Although this makes the code slightly longer, it stops the traffic car skin from blocking the first person view.

"Player to Traffic Car Modifier (PAL)
5000FF01 0000
300B03E8 0000
5000FF01 0000
300B05E8 0000
5000FF01 0000
300B04E8 0000
5000E001 0000
300B06E8 0000
C209CF3C 0016
8009ABA8 0000
C209CE9C 0048
8009AB08 0000

D0098A7C 0001
30096294 0001
D00962EA 0200
30098A6D 0000
D00962EA 0100
30098A6D 0001

300961D4 0000
300962D8 0000
300964FD 0000
300962EC 0003
80098A7C 0X0Y

X - Car Colour 1-5
Y - Car Type

0 = Player Car
1 = Cop Car
2 = Traffic Car 1
3 = Traffic Car 2

ORANGE = Updated lines
BLUE = New lines

Tekken 3 Code Update: 24/03/13

Just a few new codes to share with you guys.

I’ve also noticed that the codes in my previous Tekken 3 post don’t work in Epsxe. I don’t know why, but I will try to fix it soon. Anyway, scroll past the break to see my new codes.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Tekken 3 Code Update: Moveset Manipulation

 I've lately been messing around with move codes in Tekken 3. As you already know, I have already made a crappy Bound code, but after many hours of hacking, I found where the move structure for each character is stored in memory. With this area of the memory itself, I have been able to change the input of certain moves like Jin's EWGF to f,f+2. and replaced Jin's b+2 with Ogre's d+1+2.

With the right addresses, I was able to assemble a code that can (as long a the move already has follow-ups) string 2 or more moves together.

Scroll past the break for some examples.